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Ocean Wildlife Tour 

With the same 5-meter semi-cabin boat we use for ocean fishing, we organize safaris for those who wish to explore the Killary Fjord, its Caribbean-like sandy beaches, clear waters, and the numerous islands inhabited by sheep and seabirds. When heading out on the boat, you never know what might emerge from the water, which is why we provide our guests with binoculars to help them see even the most distant sights.  In the West of Ireland  dolphins are very frequently seen alongside and the best time to see whales along the coast is typically from late March through to early winter, with different species appearing at various times. Minke whales are often spotted from late March onwards, and humpback whales begin to appear in April. The arrival of fin whales generally happens from June. Whale-watching is best during the spring and summer months, extending into autumn.

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